混很大 蛙咖啡混音派對 Remix-and-Jam: Tracks into Treasures




矩陣老爸  成員:王新仁(阿亂)、黃聖傑、王連晟(蝦爸)

主  題

打開黑盒  Open blackbox



李駿 (Chun Lee)  個人網站

主  題

Sonicircuitry - Making sound with electricity


 I use only Free and Open Source software to create my works. To me, the freedom and flexibility it permits and encourages are vital to artistic practices of any kind. Such spirit can also extend easily beyond the realm of codes, into physical processes such as instrument design and hacking. Free software is not about technology, it is a culture of independence, empowering individuals to explore and enjoy what they do, whatever it maybe.


 In this session, Chun Lee will be demonstrating some of the sound circuits he has been making. These instruments are made either from widely available and simple components, or hacked from existing toy or devices. He will also talk about how they can be integrated with software processing, using Pure Data, to generate interesting soundscapes.



張耘之 (Monbaza) 個人網站

主  題



 我的音樂是以萌系初音作為議題,因此題目是「初音不是假人」.我的支援單位是「飛天膠囊」,他們是台灣代理 Vocaloid2的好友.這是以真人的嗓音作為引擎的演唱軟體,粉絲相當的多.初音帶來的社會、藝術、以及道德等議題,從日本延燒到世界各地,嗓音的個性也已經由當初的日本流行女音,發展到了能說英文的男生音色.


我所提供的是一 首歌曲的完整混音版本,以及歌曲當中的主要零件,如演唱、吉他、與鋼琴.至於應該使用什麼軟體或是硬體,其實都無妨.相信創意和創作的衝動會帶領妳的腳步,如今相信自己比什麼都來得珍貴而獨創.事實上,能夠進行音樂製作的軟體早已取代傳統音樂製作的方式.對於在下所供的素材,請隨喜使用,我們當天將可望針對每一位參與者的創作加以討論並分享.分享會的同時,有兩位鑽研V聲調教的萌咖會來露兩手,之後就進入音樂製作的趣味.



莫尚 (MoShang)  個人網站

主  題

Finding a Voice - using vocals from open and unexpected sources in your mix


 My main software tool for composing is Propellerhead's Reason 5 - all of my tracks start out in Reason. I choose to do all of my mixing in Cakewalk's Sonar 8.5. I use Sony's Sound Forge 9 for sample editing and format conversion. Alongside musical elements that I create myself, I employ a number of commercial sample and loop libraries and Refills for Reason, "found sounds" that I collect with a Zoom H2 field recorder, as well as CC licensed and Public Domain material found on the Web. I perform live with Reason rewired to Ableton Live 8 using a Yamaha WX5 midi wind controller, a BCR2000 rotary controller, and an Akai  APC20 dedicated Live controller. For critical listening I use a pair of Fostex PM0.5 nearfield monitors along with the dedicated PM0.5-sub.


MoShang will look into some of the common problems you are likely to encounter when using vocals that weren't recorded specifically for your track, and ways to get around them. He'll be illustrating the subject by referencing the way I employed vocals from Public Domain and "found" sources on my latest "Further East" album.

蛙.咖啡(八里店) / 台北縣八里鄉龍米路一段100巷12號之2


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~ 2010/12/18 21:00(+0800) 結束販售
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